
What were your parents doing at your age?

What a cheery prompt! I’ll be 61 this year. At that age my dad was a few years away from a heart attack, and my mom was only five years away from dying.

2 thoughts on “Mortality”

    1. I red an article a couple years ago. It was about disappointment with one’s circumstances, which implies a lack of agency, and it contrasted that with regret, which implies agency. We can regret action or inaction. But Christians don’t dwell on regret, which would imply looking backward. Yes, we learn from our mistakes, but we always strain ahead. The past is fixed, the future has not happened. The present touches eternity. We must be mindful in the present. And the Gospel of Luke is most profound. As Gene Peterson paraphrases: You must begin with your own life-giving lives. It’s who you are, not what you say and do, that counts. Your true being brims over into true words and deeds. (MSG, Luke 6:45)

      Even when we fail, we must strive to return to who we truly are.

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